Monday, August 9, 2010

Desierto o el Paraíso?

Maybe both? Gah! Leaving tomorrow for L.A then off to Phoenix, Arizona for mum's wedding. Do not ask why she is getting married there...he's not American, they aren't planning to live there, they just like....Arizona? I've been before, last year in fact. Believe me. There is nothing in this desert country. Nothing to do but relax at the Hilton hehe. That may be alright ;)
Looking forward more to L.A I've gotta say, and Palm Springs. And nice weather!!! Well, maybe not nice, more like 45 degrees hot. Although I've grown attatched to melbourne weather so we'll see how I go.

Friday, August 6, 2010

tech impaired. It's definitely not a helpful thing to be

Ahhhh I should....SHOULD, have my blog up and running soon when I finally stop sucking at using computers and codes, and all this other random shit that my brain obviously doesn't want to be a part of. So all I can say is stay tuned!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My fav going out buddy

I like that there is a routine for the weekends now that Steph and I follow. During the week, we discuss what our plan is for the weekend...mind you it's never very imaginative. Just the ol' start at Rats then move on and end at Ding Dong. Never fails however. I'm pretty happy with this plan most weekends. Saturday early night, I drive to stephs we pre drink our little soles away before we head out on the train!
Spend the evening at Rats getting ridiculously hyped for the rest of the night full of wild drunken dancing and continuous consumer-age (hehe) of alcoholic beverages. hmmm
I always love how by the time we get to Ding Dong we do nothing but dance, I think we are that drunk our bodies just automatically dance without fail.
I liked how last week I got in free entry because of the cute bartender i have aquainted myself with a while back ;). Gotta be happy with that!
The point to this post is that partying the weekend away with Stephanie Le never fails. There's no drama's, no time limits of when we go home, and always excitement happening....I like it more when it involves boys ;). Haha I am not comsumed by them i swear :P
Winner winner! Chicken Dinner!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

want want want...need. Probably more want!

Ahhh I cannot help but be in love with these. They are pretty much the same as my black laced up boots now expect with a heel! pretty perfect for going out in!
I was in the process of ordering them...but then though maybe i should wait until I go to America next wednesday hehe! I mean they aren't expensive...only $35 but shipping is a flat rate of $45! That's more than the fucking shoe!
So, decided I'll wait a whole week to browse the shops of Arizona and L.A, hopefully I will find an amazing bootie like this one! It will cost less too!
But the temptation is fairly hard for me haha! online shopping tricks you into buying things. Sneaky!
Hopefully by the time I arrive home, I will own a pair of these beauties!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

fashion sex

Ahh, drooling all over the computer screen! Can't stop loving this dress!
Although it doesn't have a massive range of clothing, I actually like it that way, means I don't have to go through hundreds of pages of clothes searching for the perfect item of clothing! This site has some amazing pieces AND it's australian! Always a bonus!! South Australian to be exact!
Saw this dress last night and got a tad excited...may have bought it -really bad at saving money!-
I couln't resist! Hopefully it will come by the weekend so i can wear it yay! They are pretty good with delievery! I bought a bag from princesspolly and got it about 3 days after buying! Ace

Monday, July 12, 2010

Yowie Power

When did Yowie's stop production?!

I never even realised when they stopped making them. I wanted to get one, went into the supermarket and they seize existence. All that's left is the thin shelled, money grabbing kinda surprise with it's shitty toys that it comes with.

They don't make toys the way they used to. Same with Happy meals...they used to have amazing stuff like the little transformer coke cups and frie packets! LOVED them. Or the Beauty and the Beast mugs, which were extremely rad. Does anyone remember any of these?!

Yowie's were incredible! Now I am craving one. Thankyou Cadbury.

Friday, July 9, 2010


Fuck love and all that shit! i thought it was supposed to all turn out and be amazing! instead it's a piece of shit excuse the language...that does nothing but continue to hurt people.

not even 2 weeks and he's already slept with someone else. maybe for a guy that seems respectable? i'm not so sure....not if they genuinely are in love with you.

i honestly don't think i have ever been this hurt in all my life. trust has been betrayed...and ive been dragged along, guilttripped, blown off and looked over being treated like shit.

sorry just had to vent!

sitting eating babybel cheese

So, changed my relationship status on facebook...which i know is pretty much a highschool thing to take so seriously and worry about....but i guess it finalises everything, and brings my mind back to reality!

I thought i'd follow the depressing mood by listening to a bit of Elliott Smith....although he comforts me more than anything...listening to his music doesn't really depress me more..I like that about him. Listening to Roman Candle...probably the albumn I have most recently purchased, or maybe James bought it for me! How ironic..I swear i'm not listening to it for that reason though!

Just realised I'm also listening to 'A Basement On a Hill' which is also a very good album! Check it yo

Oh the joy of music.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

FRAT PARTY-aussie style...but probably not really

So after changing my mind a thousand times, I finally
worked out what to wear to Ash Wood's frat party this sat. He's going with the very sophisticated traditional preppy,jock,nerd theme haha!

Deciding not to go as a cheerleader as probably most girls will go as, the choices were pretty limited. So i picked the ol' jock. I was going to try and find a gridiron/ice hockey jersey but that proved to be way too hard...bloody australia not having any american shit.

Went to Costume Factory today with Steph and found a baseball jersey pretty similar to this one....although i think it's better (score)! Didn't get the pants, thinking of wearing navy blue thigh high socks with it and some sort of shoe? haha havnt worked that out yet!

i spose that's all i need to wear with it????? besides shorts haha

Man, Ash's apartment is going to le packed with people. Why? free beer all night (presumabley it doesn't all dissappear in the first few hours of the party) 2. His apartment is so small haha so it will be interesting....but ridiculously fun ;)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

This time....I got it done properly. Good job

About time i got a tattoo done properly. Although I was doubtful of the parlour when i first walked in. I don't even know why i judged it when i got it reccommended to me!

Thank God Steph told me to get over it and that Living Canvas was in fact, a pretty rad place...which I later found out anyway.

We got different artists which i was slightly nervous about only because we both have a crush on her guy (Matty hehe) and he did hers really well so i knew i could trust him...but meh my guy was pretty sweet with the detail on my pocket watch i was so happy with it when it was done. So..awesome job Benny!

I think i shall revisit this place in Eltham to get my shitty fucked up one fixed up!! which will be good and not look like vomit on my arm haha!